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Monday Motivation - Shemica Maloney

Attorney-at-Law & Entrepreneur

Who is Shemica Maloney?

At first glance, I may appear to fit the general mold of a young professional woman advancing in life and career. Once you get to know me, however, you soon realise that while that may be the case, there is actually more to me than what meets the eye. I would say I’m more substance over form and that is exactly the way I like it. I am a down-to-earth, semi-adventurous, ambitious young woman with a passion for excellence and a desire to be of service in any way I can.

As it relates to my professional life, I am an Attorney-at-Law by profession and the founder and Principal of MALONEY & CO. Attorneys-at-Law and licensed to practice law in the twin-island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. I am a Notary Public for the jurisdiction of St. Kitts and Nevis and I also specialize in legislative drafting. Prior to establishing MALONEY & CO., I worked in the Civil Service in several capacities including Legal Advisor (Ag.), Senior Legal Counsel, Registrar of Local Companies, and Clerk of the Nevis Island Assembly.

I believe in living a life of balance and as such, outside of work and career, I enjoy engaging in creative activities and learning new skills mand helping others in whatever way I can. Most recently, I embarked on a journey in the foodservice industry and started making local popsicles under the brand Koolerz Gourmet Pops. This latter experience has been quite exciting and it has taught me that anyone can achieve whatever they put their minds to especially if it is being pursued with passion and a purpose. Playing steel pan with my group known as PanDoras also helps to add balance to my life and it is something I enjoy and look forward to.

When I reflect on my upbringing, it would appear that certain obstacles were placed in my way to chart a course of failure but through sheer determination, faith in God and in myself, and a resilient spirit, I can say safely say that I have overcome. While there may still be bumps in the road on this journey, I am still as determined as ever to pursue and fulfill my purpose. I’m always evolving and my goal is to just protect my peace while remaining focused on my growth.

What does your day-to-day entail?

After rising and giving God thanks and just reflecting generally, I prepare for work and head to the office. My days vary depending on the nature of the matter I am dealing with. Generally, it entails meeting with clients and providing the best legally sound advice and solutions to their matters. I never know what to expect at times as each client brings a unique matter and overall vibe, but it is almost always guaranteed to be a very memorable experience. I pride myself on being attuned to the needs of my clients and my service to those clients reflects meticulous attention to detail which results in client satisfaction. Client matters aside, the daily operations of the office are attended to by myself and my Assistant. Most times, my day is more than a 9 to 5 but, if I am to be honest, I try to cultivate a life of balance and at times insist on leaving “work” at the office and not allowing it to follow me home.

Tell us your most memorable achievement to date.

My most memorable achievement to date has been taking the plunge to own and operate my own business MALONEY & CO. which I launched in February of 2016. It was a decision that took much deliberation, soul searching, prayer, and finally a firm belief in myself and my ability to go for it. While the journey has not been without challenges, I can say with certainty that it has been well worth it.

Any advice for our readers who are interested in working in your field?

I would encourage anyone interested in practicing law as a career to do the necessary research about the legal profession before applying to study. It would also be helpful to work for a period of time in that environment to get a feel for what the job entails. The practice of law is noble and is about service and the responsibility to serve. While payment for said service is also important, a desire to serve and make a difference in the life of those whom you serve is of paramount importance.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

I would just like to encourage everyone to always be the best version of themselves and to be true to themselves. Take the plunge and pursue your calling and passion as we are all only here for a while. Live life with little to no regrets as each experience you endure can be turned into a lesson.

My business contact is as follows:



Unit 1, The Key Complex

Cedar Trees, Charlestown


Tel: (869) 469-6529

IG: @maloney_law

Contact information for Koolerz Gourmet Pops

Tel: (869) 765-8405

IG: @koolerz_pops

Personal IG page: @shemicam


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