Who is Dwayne Scott?
I’m a CREATIVE. An ambitious, self motivated entrepreneur, who enjoys communicating visual stories through my work, fashion and music. I’m also a Digital Marketer, Graphic Designer and CEO of Cosmos Creations (Design and Marketing Firm). I attained an MSc from the University of Salford, Manchester UK and both a Bachelors’ Degree in Graphic Design and an Associate Degree in Applied Arts (Visual Arts) from the Barbados Community College.
Tell us a bit about your day to day duties?
My daily duties consists of developing strategies and solutions to solving visual communication problems for my clients. My work process includes market research, brainstorming, strategizing and executing exceptional artwork and digital campaigns. I also manage a highly qualified and talented team which consists of an Animator / Illustrator, Cinematographer / Photographer and Web Developer.
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of working in this field?
One satisfying perk in the design & creative industry is seeing how your work can influence consumers’ behaviour. Whether through sales or any CTA (Call-to-Action) promoted.
Was graphic design your first choice for a career? (Please provide a reason for your answer)
Those who know my work and how passionate I am about it would be shocked that this wasn’t my first career choice, however, in my opinion it was my destiny. Growing up I had a passion for art, music and the creative things in life. I wasn’t into cars and sports like most boys my age. Architecture, my 1st and Visual Arts was my 2nd option when I applied to the Barbados Community College. I was selected for my 2nd option and pursued the degree even though I was unsure what my final career outcome could be after completion.
While pursuing the degree, I was exposed to Graphic Design for the first time, coming from a background of visual arts. At the time I learnt about the BFA Degree that was offered by the same college where I could focus specifically on Graphic Design. The entry requirements were strict and an intake off 12 students were allowed at the time. Over 25 applications were submitted and I was one of the 12 selected. In 2010, while at college, I began freelancing design work under the name Cosmos Creations, and now I’ve built into a full-time business. Since then I pursued an MSc in Marketing to add to my services and my creative knowledge. Looking back I can see how decisions in my life lead to this career.
We’ve seen your work - very impressive! How do you continue to create unique designs that catch the eye?
Thank you for your kind words. I credit God, my former tutors at the Barbados Community College and fellow classmates for tutoring and supporting me effectively. Graphic Design is more than just digital art that catches the eye. It’s about solving visual communication problems and providing solutions that works. My design process includes, research, brainstorm, concept development and execution. Following this tool allows me to be effective in my work consistently.
How can I pursue a career in this industry?
Locally you can pursue a BFA majoring in Graphic Design at the Barbados Community College. In my opinion, even though they’re some great designers who may be self taught, they’re specific learning guides, methods and strategies that one may not necessarily be aware of, having not gone to school. My advise is to educate yourself, consistently research design trends and don’t be afraid to seek a mentor for advice.
What is your most memorable career achievement to date?
My most memorable achievement thus far was winning the Stansfeld Scott International “BIG TRUCK” design challenge in December 2018. You were required to submit a corporate design for the branding of their new fleet of delivery trucks. This international challenge had a total of over 400 ENTRIES WORLDWIDE, submitted by countries as far as the USA, in Europe, Asia and as close as the Caribbean region. Being the 1 in over 400 and winning this challenge for me boosted my confidence in my work. It proved to me that following my design process is gold and I should never stray from it.
Where can our readers connect with you online?
Look out for the launch of the official Cosmos Creations website on March 29, 2020 at www.mycosmoscreations.com Meanwhile you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn @mycosmoscreations