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Sunday Success - Jessica Martindale

Owner, Chain Loops Crochet

Who is Jessica Martindale?

Sometimes I ask myself this very same question on a regular basis. I am pretty much a free spirit. I am a criminologist, a paralegal, a crocheter, a humanitarian, a lover of music, an investigator, a cook, a fashion designer ect. So I guess it is fair to say I am many things.

Tell us a bit about your businesses.

Chainloops Crochet is a registered brand. I create handmade clothing (swimsuits, blankets, bags, baby clothing, adult clothing, shorts, hats, earrings, tablecloths, curtains, dresses basically anything you can think of from yarn & crochet threads). Each piece is tailored to the custom measurements and style of the person ordering the design. 

We know you have a global reach, can you share with us the countries you’ve shipped to, to date? Shipping is available worldwide. Currently, I have shipped to the United States, Canada, South Africa, & London. My first overseas order I was nervous as well as estactic. Designing for someone you can not see is a whole other kettle of fish. There is no fitting so you can see for yourself how well the piece fits prior to the client taking it away. But, oh what a joy it is to know that someone outside of your immediate reach is a fan and trust you enough to order your work. That is an immediate confidence booster for a "new" designer. It lets you know that people are seeing you, watching you, rooting for you and believing in you.. Every order, every shipment feels like the very first one. I find in treating each one as if it is the first, it keeps me putting my best into all that I do. 

Tell us about your journey to Entrepreneurship.

The journey to entrepreneurship started several years ago. I started crocheting when I was 7 years old on my mother's lap; literally. Back then I made basically baby booties, blankets and hats. It was pretty much child's playback then, the skill would come several years later. On a dare from a friend I made my first crocheted bikini and never looked back. At first, the designs started off conservative, now whew, I'm as bold as the scores of women I design for. All styles, sizes, and colorways are welcomed. Approximately 2 or 3 yrs ago I participated in my first fashion show at BMEX since then I've designed for 4 shows. My latest accomplishment was an exclusive invitation to London Fashion Week. Needless to say, I was humbled and honoured. Fashion is my second passion though. To tell the truth, law is my first love. I attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice where I hold a bachelor of arts degree in criminology and sociology with honours. My post-grad degree from York College in Law/Legal Studies. To say I like  law is an understatement, to say I like fashion is also an understatement, I LOVE them both wholeheartedly. 

What do you attribute your success to?

I credit my success to discipline and humility. There are a lot of ppl who start a journey for what they can get out of it and not necessarily what they can put into it. I am more interested in leaving an impression more than anything else. What I want is to let ppl see that a lawyer, a doctor, a janitor - basically ANYBODY can do more than one thing. The qualified can use a skill to stay gainfully employed during these times without having to work for someone. Every profession is worthy of respect. I mentioned humility as well, stay humble my Gran would say- you never know where you will be tomorrow. Those words stayed with me always. 

Any advice for someone who is interested in pursuing Entrepreneurship?

My advice is to pick your chosen area and master it! Do not look for perfection, because no matter what, nothing in life is ever perfect. Master your trade by knowing the ins and outs of it. Respect what you are doing and what others around you are doing. If we use fashion as an example there are so many designers out there; why should someone choose you over others? What are you doing that others are not? Personally for me, no matter what I make, I make sure it is finished. It is clean, it appears polished, neat and professional looking. You can not by looking see if it has mistakes. That is what I mean when I say master it.

Where can our readers connect with you online?

Instagram is probably my biggest platform. However, I am also on Twitter, Facebook, Snap Chat and TikTok all @Chainloopscrochet.


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